The Path of Revival

By Elvis Iverson

Copyright © 2006 by Elvis Iverson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwisewithout prior written permission of the copyright owner, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.

Printed in the United States of America

Elvis Iverson
P.O. Box 8132
Omaha, NE 68108

Supplication International Ministries


1.The Path of Revival
2.The Glory of the City Church
3.The Nation of Revival
4.The Land of Promise
5.End Time Revival Church
6.Healing of the Nations
7.Revival for All
8.Harvest of Nations
9.Holy Spirit World
10.Kingdom Revival
11.Believers of the Gifts
12.Restoration of Foundations

1.The Path of Revival

This is a new time, the beginning of the outpourings of the Spirit. This is a new time of the Holy Spirit, this is a new age of the Holy Spirit, we have come to the day that the Holy Spirit will pour out many moves of God, there will be a move of God there, and there will be move of God here, the moves of God will overtake each other, we will never be without a move of God. In this time there will not just be a few moves of God instead many, the unity of these movements will be the Throne Room in the Third Heaven.

First and foremost, we have come to the beginning of a reformation of all things in the church; this is the reformation of the whole church, Christianity, and Christendom. This the beginning of end of many groups in the church around the world, this is the beginning of the end of all denominations, this is the beginning of the end of religion of Christianity and the beginning of the end of Christendom however, this is the beginning of many groups with Christ's oneness among them, this is the beginning of a networking across the church around the world, this is the beginning of the raise of the apostolic church, and this is the beginning of the growth of the city church. This reformation is the third reformation of the church. In this generation of reformation the foundation will be laid for the end time church. The reformation will lay a foundation for lasting revivals and the resting glory of the Lord.

I see a vision of angels flying to all parts of the church around the world. These angels have fire covering them, and around them, and fire flowing off from them, and a ground of fire is always below them, there is fire burning with them, they are made of fire and fire burns throughout there bodies, and you see inside of them, you can see the fire in them, these angels of fire and of reformation, these are the angels of reformation.

There are reformers that about to be birth in the church, yes there are reformers who are already carry their reformation anointing, those ones prepare the way. Reformation will come in like a lamb, then become like a lion and then become like a horse. The reformation has already begun, we are in lamb of reformation, and soon we will enter into the lion of reformation.

The Apostolic Church will arise and fill the whole church around the world. The apostolic church is filled with the fires of reformation and from them; the fires of reformation will fall upon the whole church. The apostolic church will bring the church into unity, and give birth to the mature city church.

Personal reformation must come to every person in the church. We are to pray for personal reformation, a reformation of heart and of mind.

Revivals will come to all nations and all cities around the world. There are many revivals coming. These are visitation revivals, habitation revivals, and some of them are massive revivals. There is some that are lasting revival that will never end. There will be revival resting upon the church that will not end, there will be revival in every nation that will not end, and there will be revival upon the world that will not end. Some revivals will come and go, and some revivals will rest, and some revivals will add to the church, and some are lasting revivals and the habitation revivals.

I see angels of revival cloth in fire and glory, these angels don't all rank the same and some are stronger, and some are not. They have names; some are called visitation revival, some are called massive revival, some are called resting revival, some are called habitation revival, some are called lasting revival, and some are called glory. 

Every believer is to have personal revival, the Lord will restore the revival life to the church, the way of the church will be revival, the Christian life will be revival, and the church will never be without revival.

There are outpourings that come upon every believer; an outpouring of prayer, an outpouring of revelation, an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams, an outpouring of workplace prosperity, and an outpouring of signs and the gifts of the Spirit.

A restoration of signs and wonders and the power of God are beginning to come to the church, a restoration of the signs of an apostle is coming to the apostles, and a restoration of the Gospel of power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit is beginning to come to the church.

Reformation, revivals and social transformation are coming! Social transformation will come too many cities around the world and even to nations. The city church will begun to move forth, the body of Christ will grow more into city, regional, and nations, from the city church, to the regional church, then to the national church and the global church.

City church apostle will arise, and lead the churches within a city into apostolic unity, and establish city church networks, and establish city church centers. Along with this there will be establish 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch within a city.

Global workplace army will arise in every city, and nation around the world, there are many banners in this army of the Lord. Cities will change and nations will be changed through the hands of believers in the workplace.

The bridge of wealth is be raised up and built between the church and the marketplace, to bring a continuing wealth, finances and resources into the church, and from the church will flow back to the marketplace; blessings, favor, mercy, and peace. The transfer of wealth is almost upon us, the wealth will flow through the hands of workplace apostles and be lay at the feet of the apostles.

The Lord will build the church, and the Lord will build Israel. He will flow wealth into Israel and the Church. The church and Israel will be partners in the grace of wealth from the Throne Room. Revival will come to Israel, the nation of Israel will be filled with revival; there will come an oneness and partnership between the church and Israel.

The Lord will heal the nations through revival. He will restore and fill the church with glory; the church will become a glorious church, and He will restore the glory of the Lord in the world, the earth will be filled with glory. The Wind, Water, Fire, Oil and Wine of the Holy Spirit will be restored, these will come through five major revivals that each of them will begin in five areas around the world through the church then to the nations, and then connect to each other and fill the earth.

2.The Glory of the City Church

I see a vision before me, a vision of a great door. The name of this door is revelation relationship. All who are born of the Spirit must pass through this door, anything that is called church outside of this door will no longer be in the Kingdom of God, instead will be cast out and burn up. This who enter into the great door, we come to a new beginning of relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. A beginning of revelation relationship with the Lord; enter into the rest of revelation relationship.

The Lord stands at this door, for He is also the door. At this door you pass under His rod and enter intro revelation relationship with Him. Those churches that remain outside will fall apart, and His people will be free to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit saying come to this great door. I see angels going forth from this Great Door, these angels are called eyes of the heart angels, they are to anointed the eyes, ears, hearts, and minds of the people of the Lord, they carry a cleaning bowl of seeing and hearing anointing.

Those who don't see and hear, The Lord will judge and their light will be remove, that they might be humble and call out to the Lord of Truth and the Spirit of Truth. Those who see and hear will be giving more light.

Those who enter the Great Door will grow, increase and multiply and become mighty and great people in the earth. There are the fellowship and company of revelation relationship. However, the Lord in His love will send the fire of chastening upon those who are outside of the great door. Those who have entered the Lord in His love will send the fire of glory upon them.

I see angels flying around the world; these angels are full of light, full of glory light, and this light shines from them to their right, left, back, and font. The light from them goes north, south, east and west. These are revelation angels, and they will fill the bowls of relationship with revelation.

Now I see this great door again, I see it is a gate to a city, and this city is called the city church. And from this city grows the Kingdom of God throughout the world in all nations and cities. I see 12 gates around the city. Revelation relationship is the great door. This is the door where the Lord stands guard. The Lord Himself stands guard over this city.

1.First Gate is called Revelation Relationship.
2.Second Gate is called Sozo Salvation.
3.Third Gate is called Revival.
4.Forth Gate is called Reformation.
5.Fifth Gate of called Social Transformation.
6.Sixth Gate is called Power of God.
7.Seventh Gate is called Wealth.
8.Eight Gate of the Gate of the Marketplace Ministers.
9.Nine Gate is called the Gate of the Prophets
10.Tenth Gate is Called Mercy.
11.Eleventh Gate is called Harvest.
12.Twelve is called the Gates of the Apostles.

The Lord will focuses more on the city church, the city church will become the center of things, and He will continue to promote the city church. He will build His house, which is the City Church.

Habitational Revivals will come to the cities around the world through the city church. Habitational revival will be restored in the church; habitational revival is the resting glory of the Lord upon the city church within a city. Social Transformation will come too many cites around the world through the apostles and the city church.

The City Church will be more focused upon and promoted throughout the body of Christ, then the regional church, then the national church and then the global church, although the church will be built around the city church, regional church, national church and the global church; this is the Wisdom of God.

3.The Nation of Revival

I see a vision of the United States of America in this vision I see the words in big print written upon America from the West Coast to the East Cost. The words are written, "The Revival Nation" American is a nation of revival, that is a major part of her destiny, and yes there are other nations of revival. This is one of the reasons why the Lord established this nation, and this is one of the reasons He has blessed this nation, and this one of the reasons that He protects this nation, and this is one reason why people are angry and have hated toward this nation, and this is why many people from all over the world comes to America, they are the lead by the Holy Spirit.

The Church is America is name the Church of Lasting Revival! This is a major part of the destiny of the Church of America! This is why we must pray and fast for America.

I see in a vision of angels of reformation flying over America. They cast upon the America balls of reformation fire. I see these fires of reformation burning throughout the cities of America. I see one of these angels fly out of the sky landing upon the ground and hit the ground with reformation fire, and from this a great shaking comes to the church of America and America. I see old churches falling apart, I see falling stones from these old building, I see leaders that don't obey the Spirit, these stones fall upon them, I see those who don't obey, these stones fall upon them, and throughout this I see churches of fire, revelation, glory, truth, and love arise, increase, and multiply. Then I sense a great since of unity in the heart of believers throughout America.

Now I see a rain of prayer and worship fall upon the hearts of the saints throughout America. They begin to awake to the sound of the Lord, and begun to hear the Holy Spirit. From their eyes come tears of weeping prayer. Then I see the sky above them begin open more, and many angels were poured out upon the saints.

Now I see the Spirit of Repentance begin to fill the streets of America. I see a river of repentance flow throughout the cities of America. I see a great turning toward God.

Now I see these huge revival angels standing at certain places around America. They begin to fan revival with blankets of mercy. I see other angels of revival flying in America. I see the revival centered in certain cities, more then a few, and I then see revival flow like a river of fire covering the land of America. I then see layers of revival fire covering America, layer upon layer of revival.

Then I see an angel of Revival landed before me saying revival is coming, revivals are coming, revival life is coming, lasting revivals is coming, massive revivals are coming, habitational revivals are coming, the resting glory of the Lord is coming to the city church in America.

This angel says these things I speak are truth!

Now I see angels flying out to the church around the world. These are called angels of bear witness. I believe right now these angels are bearing witness with you through the Holy Spirit that is in, for the Holy Spirit is the one who sends these angels of bear witness.

I see a vision of knowledge of revelation and knowledge of glory flows like water, flows like a river around the world into the hearts of believers. The seas of believers will have their hearts filled and touch with knowledge of revelation and knowledge of glory. Knowledge of Revelation, and Knowledge of glory will fill the church and the world.

I see a vision of angels of knowledge of revelation fly throughout the church, and I see angels of knowledge of glory fly throughout the church. I now see one of angels of knowledge of revelation and one the angels of knowledge of glory lay many scrolls before my eyes and these scrolls turn into living waters.

4.The Land of Promise

I see a massive gathering of Angels, massive gathering of angelic hosts over the nation of Israel. I see an outpouring of angelic hosts all over Israel. I see an outpouring of angelic hosts all over the Middle East. I see an outpouring of visions, and dreams upon Israel, I then see an outpouring of visions and dreams throughout the Middle East. Through visions and dreams great numbers will come to know the Lord and much freedom will come to my people in the Middle East.

I see an outpouring of Supplication and Grace upon Israel. I see Tel Aviv become an international gathering of saints, I see the church of Jews and Gentiles arise in Tel Aviv. I see Jerusalem becomes a house of prayer for all nations. Many come from all over the world to pray and seek the face of God. I see Bethlehem become a place of healing, I see Haifa become a place of restoration, and I see Gaza become place of salvation. Israel is a land of revival, a land of promise, a land of blessings, a land of the prophets, and a land of the apostles.

These times sorrow is preparing Israel for revival and salvation. I see the prayers of the saints from all over the world praying for Israel to be saved.

I see the prophetic anointing fills the land of Israel. The anointing of all the prophets will flow upon the land of Israel and her prophetic seed. I hear voices of the prophets in Israel, in places around Israel. I see the birthing of apostles and building up of spiritual Israel.

I see the bonds between Israel and the Church begin to form through the council of apostles and prophet both Gentiles and Jews.

I see revival break forth and flow like running rivers over the land of Israel, then flow throughout the world. Revival fills Israel, and salvation comes to Israel. Israel become filled with glory from the presence of the Lord and filled with glory from wealth. I see pubic leaders gather from all over the world to be healed.

Now I see a vision of an archangel over Israel, this is Michael the archangel. He says I stand watch over Israel, their people, the Jews people, and their destiny, and their history. Pray for Israel, believe God's will for Israel, and believe His vision for Israel, speak it forth, share it with others, and through this vision many will be healed.

Now I see Gabriel; he says the Lord send angels to visit the Jewish prophets, Jewish apostles, Jewish business leaders, and Jewish government leaders. Not only will they visit them in Israel, also all over the world. They will be released in their purposes in the Lord.

I see visiting angels visiting Jewish people all over Israel and all over the world too, their hearts becoming opened and their minds being opened.

The nations that are a blessing to Israel, the blessing of Abraham will flow upon them, and they will be filled with the blessing of Abraham. The blessings of Abraham will flow, and fill, America, and they will become full of the blessings of Abraham. The nations that stand with Israel will become and always be great nations in the Earth, and all others will be second, or third, or forth, etc.

Revival will come to the Middle East throughout their lands. Massive numbers will come to know the Lord. I see a vision of huge gates called salvation and Harvest are being built in the Middle East. I see angels flying throughout the Middle East.

5.End Time Revival Church

I see a vision; the glory of the Lord covers the whole earth as a cloud of grace. One huge cloud covers the world; this cloud is called revival grace. Now I see angels all over and around this cloud. I see angel's camp upon this cloud. I see the knowledge of the Lord covers the earth; I see the knowledge of the glory of the Lord fills the Earth.

I see many coffee houses throughout the world in many cities, I see saints there day and night fellowshipping in grace, truth and love. I see glory resting upon each believer in Christ.

I see a lasting flow of signs and power of God flow like river from the hearts of believers. I see prophecy, visions, dreams flow like a river upon the believers. I see a healing, deliverance, peace and restoration flow from saints to the world.

I see restoration and healing upon the grounds of cities in many nations were believers have established a stronghold of righteousness and holiness. I see some Christians pray day and night and only taking breaks to eat and sleep, or care for their love ones. I see prophet's prophecy all the time, prophecy in teams in center meeting places throughout the world. I see city apostles before the Lord and ministering revelation to the saints faithfully. I see these city apostles leading the city church. I see apostles speaking in such a voice of sounding that covers the whole earth. I see homes of saints with little revival fires upon them all over the world. I see the saints meeting in homes day after day in fellowship and the Word. The saints meet in homes and in city church meeting centers.

I see cities filled with great light and great glory that shines forth from the city church. I see the city church, and see center meeting place in each of these cities, people always praying, and always worshiping, always hearing prophetic watch. I see huge meeting with apostles and prophets giving sermons. I see this city church service on T.V. can be seen through a city, and even their broadcasts throughout the world. Ministry is more united, and together in this time. I see the city church ministering to their cities by feeding the poor, blessing, and the hearing of the Word. I see the church networking throughout the world in unity, vision and fellowship.

I see saints have power to lay hands and speak a blessing; I see this becomes a common practice however; it comes with power, anointing, and grace.

I hear the Kingdom of God preached, apply and lived out everyday. I see spiritual battles, great spiritual battles and great breakthroughs, and great deliverances over cities, nations, etc.

I see huge gatherings for deliverance, healing, and miracles. Great servants ministering to the masses, in signs and wonders and great signs and great wonders are seen in these meetings, and these meetings become common.

I see Holy Spirit transportation, raising the dead, and other kinds of acts of faith become common and are heard of always.

Now I see the believes in the workplace throughout the world. I see social Transformation in cities and nations everywhere I look. I see believers leading governments, and heads of many areas in society. I see Christ likeness comes to cities and governments that obey and submit to the saints. I see saints leading in business, banking, economy, media, and education, and carry major roles with great favor and honor in society. The leaders of nations will gathering and be seat at the council of apostles and prophets. The church will be filled with glory from the presence of the Lord and filled with glory from wealth, and from the church blessings, peace, favor, mercy will flow into the world.

Then I see a vision of Jesus walking in a valley, and wherever He walks life comes forth, blessings come forth, restoration come forth, and healing come forth. Wherever He steps His feet upon life comes forth. He says, "This is the field of dreams." You have only seen a little part, follow me and you will see more. If you love me and follow me you will see more and you will enjoy all these things, most of all you will have revelation relationship and revelation fellowship with me." I love you!

6.Healing of The Nations

I see a vision of a coming cloud; the name of this cloud is called the coming grace. As this unfolds before us I see angels begin to come out of it's unfolding. At the same time of the unfolding of this cloud, this cloud begins to manifests and rain.

The first angel I see is the angel of healing. This angel says there are many angels of healing. Soon the healing ministry of the church will begin. Healing will become common in the church; both members and leaders will believe in healing and pray for the sick. There will be a healing ministry in the local church, and there will be healing ministries within a city, and there will again be the raise of national or international healing ministries. Great healing ministers will arise and carry their selves in such a way that they will remain in the anointing. There is a healing river that will grow and increase throughout the body of Christ.

The second angel I see is the angel of signs and wonders. This angel says the anointing is the key to my release; the Holy Spirit is the key to the anointing. I will come upon the church I will bring waves of signs and wonders. Yes there are more then one of me. Signs, wonders, and revivals will become the life force of the church.

The third angel I see is the angel of the signs of an apostle. This angel says I come to release the signs of an apostle; I come to release the signs of an apostle to the apostles. I guard, watch over the ministry, works, anointing, and the signs of an apostle. Yes there are more then one of us. The signs of apostles will be heard around the world.

The Fourth angel I see is the angel of great exploits. This angel says I come to the saints of the Most High. To bring forth the mighty acts of God into the hands of the saints. The believers will be strong and they will carry out great exploits in the name of the Lord, this all begins with knowing the Lord. This angel is more then a few angels. Great Exploits will become common among the believers.

Now I see the fifth angel, but this angel comes with other angels. This angel is the minister of finance. Along with this angel are angels of wealth, favor, finances, resources, and opportunities. This angel says I am waiting for the bridge of wealth to be built between the church and the marketplace. I plan to rise up some to be very wealthy and they know this, I plan to rise up an army of wealthy believers, I plan to rise up an army of marketplace believers around the world in every nation, and I plan to make the church rich. I will release waves of wealth and finances to the church for the will of God.

Now I see a vision of hidden stars! The minister of finances says these are a united company of believers; they are marketplace apostles, josephs, wealthy believers, and persons of favor.

Now I see a vision of other angels flying with these angels coming along with the minister of finance. Then the Minister of Finance says there are angels sent to minister to the saints of the common wealth of the Kingdom of God.

Then I see the sixth are two groups of angel, which are angels of revival and angels of reformation. The seventh are a company of angels of harvest.

Apart from that, I see a vision of a city; it is the city that is in every city of every nation. I see more then one river of the Spirit flowing. I hear these words, this is city of many rivers; I can see another vision of these rivers flowing into the lives of believers, upon churches, upon cities, nations and upon the city church in every city of every nation. Then an angel comes up to us and says these are rivers that will flow upon the city church and flow within the city church and flow out from the city church.

Then I seen one of the rivers, from this river flows purify waters, holiness, fire, the fear of the Lord and love. Then this angel says this river will flow into the hearts of believers around the world in a short time from now.

Now I see trees of life within this city; the leaves are for the healing of the nations. The nations will be healed through revivals. I see a name of each nation written upon each leave, some had their name written on more then one leave. For God wants to bring healings, meaning revivals to a nation, not one revival, instead many, this is the heart of God for the nations. Revivals will come to all nations. The fruits are for the saints that are in those nations that are written on those leaves. The fruits are blessings of the Lord upon those believers. It is the believers who are blessed that shall carry and bring revival to their nation.

Now I see a vision of another river flowing from the city church to the world flowing to all cities and all nations. This river flows from every city church. This river is called the river of glory.

Then this angel said, the knowledge of the glory will fill the church, and the knowledge of revelation will fill the church, the church will become full of glory through the many coming revivals and the world will become full of glory from the overflow and outflow of glory from the church.

7.Revival for All

In a vision I see a great multitude, which no one could number, and I heard a voice behind me saying this is the future of the church! Besides, I see a vision of a global company of apostles and prophets; this is the working of the Lord among the church in our times and in coming times. I see them rejoice to see the day of the great multitude, which no one could number.

Apart from that, I see a vision of believers all over the world I see the glory of the Lord rest upon them and I see them covered in light and fire. I then heard a voice behind me saying this is the future of the church!

Then I see clouds covering the church, I see from within them coming an outpouring of angelic hosts upon the church around the world. I see an increase of angelic assistants for each believer in Christ. I then hear a voice behind me saying this is the future of the church!

In addition, I see an outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams upon each believer in Christ around the world; moreover I see a vision of an outpouring of signs, the gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God upon all believers in the church around the world. I then heard a voice behind me saying this is the future of the church!

Furthermore, I see a vision of believers around the world, I see men and women seek out believers saying you have joy, you have peace, you have love, and you have the power of God, take us to your God, speak His words, and pray for us. We will see this on an every day level, those who wins souls is wise, and this wisdom will flow throughout the body of Christ around the world.

I then heard a voice behind me saying personal revival will come to all, revival will be personal and revival will be public. Revival will become a way of life for the church. The church will never be without revival again.

Again I heard a voice behind saying; my people need a vision of the church, a revelation of the Kingdom of God, a vision of the future of the church, a vision of revival, and a vision of glory.

Unfortunately, there are many going in directions that are not my leading, that are not my vision, that are not of the wisdom of God, and that are not of the revelation from my Throne Room. What will come will be my love and mercy corrections that will come through reformation to the church around the world.

Healing, deliverance, breakthrough, and fire will flow like mike and honey for my people will have a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, that will flow from Heaven upon the churches around the world.

A land of wheat meaning harvest of souls, a land of barley meaning overcoming Christian life, a land of vines meaning revelation, a land of fig trees meaning prosperity, a land of pomegranates meaning healing, a land of olive oil meaning the Holy Spirit, and a land of honey meaning integrity; I shall lead you and if you have a hearing ear you will follow me, and if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Above all it is my grace, mercy and love you only need to have faith and you will enter into these blessings.

Revival will come upon all believers, revival will come inside of all believers, revival will manifest forth from all believers, and all believers will live in revival. Revival will come to the church, in every city and in every nation, revival will come to the city church, and revival will come to believers who are united. I will fill the church with revivals and I will flood the world with revivals.

Believers will enter into revival, for revival is in the Throne Room day and night.  Any believer at any time can enter into revival, and the Throne Room is in you, therefore revival is always in you through the Holy Spirit and Blood of Christ.

8.Harvest of Nations

I see a vision of Earth. I see earth covered into a hand of glory, the hand of Christ. I see fires all over the world, I see believers praying all over the world, I see clouds over cities and I see running rivers of the Spirit all over the world. I hear these words; "raise the flood levels of the Holy Spirit." I see God's love poured out, I see the earth covered with the blood of Christ, I see grace poured upon the earth, I see glory, anointing, and light poured upon earth, I see earth covered with faith and hope. I see blessings rain upon the Earth and cover the Earth, and I see fire arise in the Earth and I see fire come down from the sky upon the grounds. I see rains of the Spirit all over earth, and I see the winds of the Holy Spirit, the winds of Heaven, the Winds of the Kingdom, the winds of change upon the earth.

Now I see a vision of an island covered and hidden by a cloud. Now I see many ships crossing the oceans and seas, the waters are named time, the ships are names movements, and island is call beginning of purpose and destiny. However, I see storms come across the oceans and seas where the ships are coming toward Destiny Island, these storms are called tests.

Those ships that made it to the Island begin to grow together into a mighty company that filled the church, this company is called the apostolic church. There is a certain type of blessing that came upon this company and from them this blessing came upon the whole church, and this blessing open the heavens for an outpouring of blessings.

Now I see the apostolic church give birth to a greater church that filled the whole church and is in every city around the world, this church is called the city church.

Apart from that, I see a vision of waves of harvest, and an angel came down and said these are the will of the Lord, agree with the Third Heaven, pray along with your Intercessor with the aid of the Holy Spirit in prophetic prayer and revelatory prayer, for these prayers will fill the church, and the church will enter into a day of supernatural prophetic revelatory prayer dimension.

However, with each wave of harvest, there will come a wave of persecution and a wave of spiritual warfare.

There are waves that we see right now upon the earth, and then there will come waves that come with the outpouring of signs and wonders. There is an outpouring that will come very soon called signs and wonders. Then there are waves of increase harvest for harvest will always increase. Then there are waves of harvest that great numbers will be saved, these waves of harvest will be greater then the harvests before this one. It is the waves of the apostolic church. Then will come the waves of the beginning of the harvest of nations. From there will come the waves of harvest of the fullness of the Great Commission, the last waves will be the waves of harvest of the Kingdom Church, which is the city church, the end time church.

·Waves of harvest today.
·Waves that follow the outpouring of signs and wonders.
·Waves of increase harvest.
·Waves of harvest of the apostolic church.
·Waves of harvest of the beginning of the harvest of nations.
·Waves of the fullness of the Great Commission.
·Waves of the Kingdom Church.

Furthermore, the Holy Scriptures promise that the Lord will add to the church daily, meaning increasingly added, and meaning multitudes added.  To what church does the Lord adds daily? He adds daily to the city church.

Conclusion, this angel said look at the angels of harvest flying throughout the earth. There wings are longer then most angels. These angels are waiting for these waves. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest for Labors, and pray for the lost to know Christ.

9.Holy Spirit World

In a vision I see an angel that I've seen in the prophetic word called harvest of nations; this angel begins to say I am an angel who guards the presence of the Lord, the glory realm. Our function is to guard the presence and glory of the Lord. We are called cherubim to guard the presence of the Lord. There are two in the Throne Room that guard always, and there are seraphim that worship in the Throne Room always. There are cherubim that come to guard the presence of the Lord when the presence of the Lord manifests in the Church on Earth.

Then the cherubim pulled out a flaming sword, which turned every way, to guard the manifest presence of the Lord.

I see a gathering of believers; they begin to seek the Lord from their heart. A river of worship begins to flow from them to the church around the world. A river of intercession begins to flow from them to the church around the world. A river of the prophetic begins to flow from them to the church around the world. The cherubim came to guard the manifest presence of the Lord; the seraphim came to worship the Lord. I then hear the prophets prophecy to the nations of the earth. I ask the cherubim what is this vision? He said these are the ones that will arise of pure heart and pray pure prayers that will change the earth.

I see a vision of men and women filled with stars and cloth with stars; begin to lead the people of the Lord to destiny and purpose. I ask the cherubim who are these? He said these are the apostles.

I see a vision of men and women filled with consuming blue fire when they speak life comes forth, change comes forth, and those spheres around them are changed. I ask the cherubim who are these? He said these are the prophets; the apostles and the prophets shall lead the church.

I see a vision of cherubim; he says a river of worship will be birth that will bring the manifested presence of the Lord where every this river of worship flows through.

Apart from that, an outpouring river of healing and miracles is coming soon. Healing and miracles will play a very importance role in the coming moves of God, movements of the Lords, revivals, and outpourings.

In addition, I see a vision of the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and healing beams of power; the healing wings begun to cover the developing, unfolding, and cultivating, nations. I see healing beams of power begin to hit and touch these nations.

I see the wings of healing begin to cover India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Ski Lanka. I see the wings of healing begin to cover Mongolia, China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. I see the wings of healing begin to cover Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, and Papua New Guinea. I see the wings of healing begin to cover the nations of Africa. I see the wings of healing begin to cover the nations of South America, the nations of Central America, the nations of West Indies, and Mexico.

The wings of Healing were also wings of restoration. They brought healing, miracles, deliverance, signs and the gifts of the Spirit to these nations.

The Third World nations will be blessed by an outstanding outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Second World nations will be blessed by an outstanding of Jesus, and the First World nations will be blessed by an outstanding outpouring of the Father.

Moreover, all believers around the world will be blessed with power, blessings, mercy, grace, signs, and revival, and all nations will be touched by the power of God and revival. The Lord will bring life to the churches, and believers in developing nations.

I see a vision of a cloud that will rest upon the church around the world; that will make all the difference. This is called the Manifested Presence of the Lord.

I see a vision of the Lord of the Harvest. He is an all covering holy rain that will bring in the harvests of souls, massive numbers, great numbers, many will be won by the Lord, and the harvests of multitudes. The Lord of the Harvest is the Holy Spirit!

Furthermore, I hear these words, "I will not bless all churches, I will not bless all servants, and I will not promote all groups. I will bless the new wineskins of the new wines, I will bless them, I will bless them will favor, and I will promote them. I will give them promotion."

Conclusion, I will bless all believers in Christ. I will pour out prophecy, visions, and dreams. I will pour out signs, gifts of the Spirit and the power of God. I will pour out revelation, the rivers of prayer, and the fire of the Holy Spirit. I will bring reformation, I will bring revival, and I will pour out blessings upon all believers around the world. I will bless, promote, and give favor to the body of Christ around the world.

10.Kingdom Revival

There is coming radical changing to this world from the Holy Spirit through the hearts of believers around the world. Social transformation will be birth from the hearts of many believers around the world.

I see a vision of a raising flood in the earth in many nations and many cities; these waves are the believers in the workplace. There will arise a global workplace army around the world in cities and nations to bring radical change and social transformation.

There will come monopolize of the world by the Kingdom of God in the hearts of believers. The Kingdom of God will monopoly the world, the believers will possess the kingdoms of this world and used them for the purpose of the Kingdom of God. A monopoly of the world will come forth from the heart of believers; they monopolize the world for the purpose of love, for God so love the world.

The minister of finance stood before me saying, the church will have revival, and the church will be flooded with glory, and the church will be flooded with blessings and wealth. The global marketplace army will bring healing and restoration to cities and nations through the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

We have entered into the beginning of the end of the restoration of the priesthood, and we have entered into the beginning of restoration of kings. The Lord wills kings to rule with Him on earth. The Lord will establish His Kingdom in every city and in every nation through His kings before He ever returns to earth.

We must see an army of kings raised up in every city and in every nation, and through these kings the Holy Spirit will move to bring change, restoration and healing. This holy army is an army of restoration.

Do not think in the future after Christ returns, His Kingdom is already filling the earth, and today the Lord is raising up a army of saints that will be greater then the saints in the beginning days of the church.

This is not just an army of business leaders and government leaders; in addition this is an army of the every day believers who with faith and the Holy Spirit will change their world long before Christ ever returns.

Christ is coming back for a church, and He is coming back for a kingdom. The Kingdom of God has already come, and the Kingdom of God possesses the world through the hearts of the believers, for the Kingdom of God is within you.

Then this angel holds up a sword and points to certain areas and gates that begun to open around the world. I see arising global army of believers, which is an army of restoration. I see waves, rivers of blessings and wealth coming into the church. I see the bridge of wealth built between the church and the marketplace and I see a river of blessing and wealth flow day and night.

I see a river of angels pour upon the believers around the world. I here these words, "the blessings are here" I see the power and grace pour upon the hearts of believers in the workplace around the world.

I see in India believers in the workplace arise in all places, in government and in business to change their world. I see a ten-year movement of business, government and the workplace from the believers changing their world. I see the Lord Himself open the door to give favor and opportunities to believers, and I see the Lord place favor upon His people in the nation of India.

I see in the nations of Africa, how restoration and healing will come through revival, apostolic river and the believers in the workplace. We will see much change in Africa through the hands of believers. I hear these words again; "We will see much change in Africa through the hands of believers!"

I see China one-sided freedoms are hindered; the other side there is much freedom. It is like a hidden world is taking over China and they have no ideal of what is happening to their world. The hidden world will overcome the known world and China will be changed and great salvation will come to China.

I see in America, I look at certain major cities I see new businesses arise; grow and increase and become major companies. I see written upon each of these companies the names of the Lord. I see rivers flow from these companies into communities, societies, and cultures; these rivers are flowing from the hearts of believers who lead these businesses.

Now I see a vision of old money, new money, big money, growing money, and most of it belongs to believers. The minister of finance says in America a supernatural network of wealth will arise from the hearts of believers.

11.Beilevers of the Gifts

I see a vision of nine keys before the Throne of the Father and of the Son of God, I see the Holy Spirit wrap around each of these keys. In addition, I see these nine keys released into the church around the world.

I hear the Father say grace, grace, I hear the Son of God say grace, grace and I hear the Holy Spirit say grace, grace, and I hear the Church say grace, grace!

Now I hear a voice saying, "that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ". (1 Corinthians 1:7)

Then this voice said, the church of the city will lack no gift, the church of the nation will lack no gift, the church around the world will lack no gift, and the companies of believers will lack no gift.

Revelation will flow upon the whole church, upon every believer, the knowledge of revelation and the action of revelation. Revelation is not only in word, it is also in power and demonstration.

This angel that speaks unto us, is called the angel of the nine gifts, and then he said there is an angel for each of these gifts. There will come an outpouring of angelic hosts upon the church around the world. There is coming an outpouring of signs, the gifts of the Spirit and the power of God upon the church around the world. There is coming an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams upon the church around the world. This is life, and this is the life of the Spirit.

There will come supernatural experiences, prophetic experiences, deep prophetic experiences, and visions will be poured out upon the church around the world. Rising the dead, miracles, supernatural acts, great exploits, mighty deeds, great signs and wonders will be poured out upon the church around the world.

Social Transformation will run like a river is many cities and through the hearts of believers to cities and nations. Revivals will come and fill the church, the church will be filled with revivals, and revivals will pour out from the church to the world. This is the beginning days of the many moves of God. This is a new time of the Holy Spirit and the Apostles. The prophets will grow strong in the Lord and in favor. Massive reformation will come to the whole church around the world!

The Lord will pour out the anointing of the nine gifts of the Spirit upon the church in every nation. He will pour upon India, the nations of Africa, the nations of Europe, the nations of Asia, and China, He will pour upon America, Canada, and Center America and South America.

Now I see before the Throne of the Father and of the Son of God, the Seven Spirits of God, which is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. These Seven Rivers and other rivers of the Spirit are being poured out upon the Church around the world. Cities will be filled with the Seven Spirits of God, and the Church will flow in all the rivers of the Spirit.

The anointing of Daniel, and the anointing of Joseph is poured upon the believers around the world in the workplace. The anointing of Ezekiel is poured upon the church around the world. The anointing of Solomon and the anointing of David is poured upon the church around the world, the anointing of Ezra, the anointing of Nehemiah, and the anointing of Esther is poured upon the church around the world. The anointing of Elijah, and the anointing of Moses is poured upon the church around the world, the anointing of Samuel, the anointing of Joshua, the anointing of Abraham, the anointing of Noah, and the anointing of Enoch, and the anointing of Abel is poured upon the church around the world. These heroes of faith are examples of what God have called us to do in this time.

Can you hear the Holy Spirit speaking to the church around the world? There come light, revelation and glory come to each believer who calls upon the Lord with a pure heart; teaching coming to teach you to hear and to have hearing ears to hear the Holy Spirit. Glorify and Worship Christ, and love one another!

12.Restoration of Foundations

The Fear of the Lord fills the church before my very eyes, the fear of the Lord will be restored, and there will be great fear of the Lord in the hearts of believers. I see this fearful cloud of the Spirit hovering over cities; this cloud is the coming fear of the Lord.

Massive reformation will come to the church around the world, revivals will fill the church and pour into the world from the church, and there will be massive revivals, and habitational revivals, and social transformation will come to many cities and many nations through the hearts of believers in the workplace.

This massive reformation will come like a wild fire and burn day and night and Spirit of this reformation will always rest in hearts of the church. This is the third reformation of the church, which is the reformation of Christendom, Christianity, every person who names the name of Christ, and the whole church around the world. This reformation has already begun like lamb however it will become like a lion and like a horse.

What will be come after this reformation, there will only be groups that have Christ's oneness among them, and there will only be apostolic networks around the world in relationship and fellowship with one another; The Apostolic Church will be the church that will remain and stand fast. The city church will grow from pastoral unity to apostolic unity. The army of believers in the workplace will be raise up, social transformation will come to cities and nations, revivals will become the way of life for the church, the church will move in signs, the gifts of the Spirit and the power of God and we will grow into more unity and mature unto maturity. This will all happen in your lifetime. Daniel 12:3-4 is coming to pass in your lifetime.

The Lord moves in patience in His dealings and movements; He wants us to enjoy every step He has lead us to, and He wants us to mature in every level of growth this takes time and patience. Yes in these patience moves He move suddenly and immediately. However, we are to know these times and are to be redeeming the time by the wisdom of God, we are to know the times and the seasons.

The seeds and the vision of the coming unity of the Faith, and the mature city church will be planted into our hearts, however they will come to pass in the future beyond our time. The mature city church is the Kingdom church, the church that will prepare the way for the return of the Lord; the Lord is coming back for His Church and His Kingdom.

The Future, and the end times is not what we have believed, the Lord through the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures is changing and renewing our minds that we may see His doings, dealings, and His times and seasons and enjoy them.

I see a vision; the fires of reformation will cover the whole church of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the church in every nation of Europe. The Lord will give revivals to these churches and nations, and the Lord will give social transformations to these cities and nations.

The fires of reformation will come to every believer's heart, and all believers in Christ will have to pass through the fires of reformation.